Generalized Linear Models
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自然指数分布族 Exponential family$$,则称x服从自然指数分布族分布。 多看看wiki的介绍。涉及到的东西很多。
Normal distribution,多元正态分布
Bernoulli distribution(对k个结果的事件建模),
Poisson distribution(对计数过程建模)
Gamma distribution(对实数的间隔问题建模)
Beta distribution(对小数建模)
Dirichlet distribution (对概率分布进行建模)
Wishart distribution (协方差矩阵的分布)
此分布形式上与高斯分布类似,弥补了高斯分布的一个不足,就是高斯分布对离群的数据非常敏感,但是Student t分布更鲁棒。一般设置ν=4,在大多数实际问题中都有很好的性能,当ν大于等于5时将会是去鲁棒性,同时会迅速收敛到高斯分布。 特别的,当ν=1时,被称为柯西分布(Cauchy)。
Gamma 分布 怎么来理解伽玛(gamma)分布?
为什么弄出个指数分布族?MLAPP page313
It can be shown that, under certain regularity conditions, the exponential family is the only
family of distributions with finite-sized sufficient statistics, meaning that we can compress
the data into a fixed-sized summary without loss of information. This is particularly useful
for online learning, as we will see later.
The exponential family is the only family of distributions for which conjugate priors exist,
which simplifies the computation of the posterior (see Section 9.2.5).
The exponential family can be shown to be the family of distributions that makes the least
set of assumptions subject to some user-chosen constraints (see Section 9.2.6).
The exponential family is at the core of generalized linear models, as discussed in Section 9.3.
The exponential family is at the core of variational inference, as discussed in Section 21.2.
广义线性模型,是为了克服线性回归模型的缺点出现的,是线性回归模型的推广。 首先自变量可以是离散的,也可以是连续的。离散的可以是0-1变量,也可以是多种取值的变量。 与线性回归模型相比较,有以下推广:
y | x; θ ∼ ExponentialFamily(η). I.e., given x and θ, the distribution of y follows some exponential family distribution, with parameter η.
Given x, our goal is to predict the expected value of T(y) given x. In most of our examples, we will have T(y) = y, so this means we would like the prediction h(x) output by our learned hypothesis h to 25 satisfy h(x) = E[y|x]. (Note that this assumption is satisfied in the choices for hθ(x) for both logistic regression and linear regression. For instance, in logistic regression, we had hθ(x) = p(y = 1|x; θ) = 0 · p(y = 0|x; θ) + 1 · p(y = 1|x; θ) = E[y|x; θ].)
The natural parameter η and the inputs x are related linearly: η = θ T x. (Or, if η is vector-valued, then ηi = θ T i x.)
引入联接函数g(⋅)。因变量和自变量通过联接函数产生影响,即Y=g(Xβ),联接函数满足单调,可导。常用的联接函数有恒等 ,对数,幂函数,平方根,等。